September is Head Lice Prevention Month

I bet you didn’t know that September is head lice prevention month.  We talked a bit last week about how to spot lice and nits, but we’d like to talk today about treatment and prevention.


  • Use a lotion or shampoo that contains 1% permethrin.  These products can be found at any local drug store without a prescription.  If the product does not work, you may need to contact your doctor for a prescription treatment.
  • The most important part of treatment is removing the nits.  Nits can live for more than 2 weeks.
  • Some dishwashing detergents are helpful in removing nits.  They dissolve the glue-like stickiness that enables the nits to stick to the hair.
  • Rubbing olive oil in the hair makes nits easier to remove.
  • Use a nit comb.  Metal combs work better than plastic combs.
  • Rub a nit comb through beeswax to make nits easier to remove.
  • Treat promptly and thoroughly.
  • Wash all clothes and bed sheets in hot water and detergent.
  • Repeat treatment in 7-10 days.


  • If possible, do not come in close contact with someone who has lice or who is suspected of having lice.
  • Do not touch clothing or bedding of someone who has lice.
  • Do not share hats, combs, brushes or towels of someone who has lice.
  • Check children often if they are in school, daycare or any environment where they are around other children.

Keep in mind that lice can happen to anyone, regardless of hygiene practices, social status or race.  And although lice should be treated seriously, it does not lead to any serious medical issues.

School Has Started…So Has Lice

With school well on its way, the dreaded head lice are on the minds of many parents. Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp and are spread by close contact with others.  Lice is known to spread quickly from person to person.  Close contact and the quickness at which it spreads are reasons why when one student seems to get lice…they all seem to get lice.

Lice and their eggs, or nits, latch onto strands of hair, sometimes even eyebrows and eyelashes.  Nits are tiny but still visible and often look like flakes of dandruff.  Before you spot lice on your child’s head you may notice them itching their scalp or see small red bumps on their scalp, neck or shoulders.  When checking your child for lice, be sure to look under a bright light while wearing disposable gloves.  Part the hair down to the scalp in several small sections, searching throughout the entire head this way.

If you’ve found lice or nits in your child’s hair, treat immediately.  Be sure to notify their teacher or director if they are in school.  Explain to your child that lice is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.  In most cases, when treated quickly and preventative measures are taken, the lice and nits go away.  Although the itching may be uncomfortable, lice does not lead to any serious medical problems.

How to Treat a Yellow Jacket Sting

We’ve all done it.  While outside enjoying the weather we see a yellow jacket and we begin flailing our arms around to swat it away and then…it stings us!  OUCH!!  You feel the immediate pain and see a rapidly developing red, swollen and itchy bump appear at the sight of the sting.  For most people, although painful, the sting of a yellow jacket is rarely serious.  However, there are those who are allergic to bee stings or if you have received multiple stings you should take immediate precaution.

For those who are not allergic to bee stings and were only stung once, you may be feeling some discomfort, but chances are you’re going to be just fine.  First, figure out if you were stung by a yellow jacket or a honey bee.  A honey bee loses its stinger when it stings and will die.  A yellow jacket keeps its stinger and can sting multiple times.  Using a thin, flat tool such as a fingernail, car key, or coin, remove the stinger out of the skin by scraping in the opposite direction of the stingers entry.  After the stinger is removed, wash the area with soap and water and dry.  Apply ice or a cold rag to reduce the swelling.  To ease the itchiness, use an over-the-counter medicine that contains enzymes that help neutralize wasp venom or Benadryl.  Baking soda, Epsom salt, ammonia or meat tenderizer can be used in place of an over-the-counter medicine if you don’t have one available.  Take a product that contains acetaminophen such as Tylenol for pain.  Monitor the sting for 24 hours to ensure that the symptoms do not worsen.

Caution: As stated above, if you know or suspect that you are allergic to bee stings, seek medical help immediately.  Severe allergic reactions that are not treated can be fatal.   Pay attention for chest pains, wheezing, tightness in throat, hives, swelling in arms or legs, dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting.

Why Do Crickets Chirp?

Have you ever wondered why crickets chirp?  I don’t know about you but the ones around my house seem to really kick it into high gear around bedtime.  So why do crickets chirp?  Contrary to what you may have heard, it is not the cricket rubbing its legs together.

Chirping, or stridulation, is done only by males. The sound is made by the cricket’s stridulatory organ which is a large vein that runs along the bottom of the cricket’s wing.  The stridulatory organ is covered with teeth-like serration.  The male cricket runs the top of one wing along the serration on the bottom of the other wing.  While doing this, the cricket holds up his wings which serve as acoustical sails…this making the sound travel.

Dolbear’s Law is the idea that the cricket will chirp at a higher rate when the temperatures are higher.  This explains why they seem to be so much louder in the summertime.  By using Dolbear’s Law, you can calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit by adding 40 to the number of chirps that a cricket makes in 14 seconds.

Now it’s time for a little game of Name That Tune!  Crickets have 4 songs.  Which type of song goes with which behavior?

What song is loud and attracts females while repelling males?

The Calling Song

What song is very quiet and made when a female is near?

The Courting Song

What song detects when another male is near?

The Aggressive song

What song is short and sweet after a successful mating?

The Copulatory song

Tips on How to Keep the Flies Away

We’ve talked about the fly problem that we’ve had in metro Atlanta recently (Facts on Flies) and thought it would be a great time to go over some tips of how to keep the flies away from your home.  Check out our tips below:

  • Date everything in the refrigerator and clean out on a weekly basis. Fly eggs can be found in foods, especially salad types, bought in a restaurant and stored as leftovers.
  • Never put bleach down a drain.
  • If the flies are coming in from a dry drain, add water. To prevent evaporation, add vegetable oil in the drain, it will sit on top of the water and form a coating.
  • Wipe and clean kitchen area daily.  Put dish towels in a covered container when done.
  • If shoes are left in a food service area, make sure to clean the bottoms of the shoes daily.
  • Most of the small flies stay close to their originating site.  Look early in the morning where the flies are hanging out…within a few feet will be the source.
  • Biological (bacterial) cleaners or remediation works very well and can extend the life of mops used in its application.
  • Keep a calendar of fly activity.  Fly infestations tend to run on a specific cycle.
  • Call your local pest control company.  A company such as Northwest Exterminating can identify the source of your problem and come up with a customized solution.


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