What To Do If You Are Stung By A Yellow Jacket

Yellow jackets have barbed like pointers on their stinger that cause the stinger to get lodged into the skin.  The stinger is usually left behind, along with the venom sac.  It is important to remove a stinger as quickly as possible because venom can continue to be released even if it’s not attached to the bee.  The venom can cause an allergic reaction or a possible infection.

Source: Using tweezers to remove a stinger from a hand

Source: Mayo Clinic

Symptoms of infection include:

  • redness
  • itchiness
  • swelling
  • continued pain in area of sting 3-5 afterwards
  • fever
  • chills

Consult your Doctor immediately if any of these symptoms occur.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

  • swollen tongue and throat
  • wheezing
  • dizziness
  • short of breath
  • sudden drop in blood pressure

Consult your Doctor immediately at signs of an allergic reaction.

What to do if stung:

  • immediately remove stinger
  • wash the area with soap and water
  • apply a cold compress
  • apply a nonsteroidal anti-infammatory drug to reduce pain
  • apply an antihistamine or hydrocortisone ointment to reduce swelling, redness, and itchiness

It’s very important to call a pest professional if you believe a yellow jacket nest is near your property.  We DO NOT recommend you try to remove this on your own…this could result in being stung.

For yellow jacket removal, wasp removal, and hornet removal, call the professionals at Northwest Exterminating.

Other blogs: How to Treat a Yellow Jacket Sting


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PSA: Common Household Pests Incite Allergies & Asthma

PestWorld.org and The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America have teamed up for a public service announcement to warn homeowner’s of the dangers of allergens in the home caused by pests and rodents.  Common household pests such as cockroaches and mice are responsible for inciting allergies and aggravating asthma.  In fact, 63% of homes contain cockroach allergens.  That number increases to 78%-98% in urban areas.  82% of homes have asthma triggers spread by mice.

Watch NPMA’s public service announcement below:

Keep your family (children are especially at risk) and home safe by keeping your home pest free, call Northwest Exterminating. For more information visit pestworld.org or The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

The NPMA will donate $1 to The AAFA for each new Facebook LIKE (HERE) until Sept, 15th.  Go LIKE them…and LIKE Northwest Exterminating (HERE) while you’re there!


PSA: Common Household Pests Incite Allergies & Asthma

PestWorld.org and The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America have teamed up for a public service announcement to warn homeowner’s of the dangers of allergens in the home caused by pests and rodents.  Common household pests such as cockroaches and mice are responsible for inciting allergies and aggravating asthma.  In fact, 63% of homes contain cockroach allergens.  That number increases to 78%-98% in urban areas.  82% of homes have asthma triggers spread by mice.
Watch NPMA’s public service announcement below:

Keep your family (children are especially at risk) and home safe by keeping your home pest free, call Northwest Exterminating. For more information visit pestworld.org or The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
The NPMA will donate $1 to The AAFA for each new Facebook LIKE (HERE) until Sept, 15th.  Go LIKE them…and LIKE Northwest Exterminating (HERE) while you’re there!

Lyme Disease Cases Much Higher Than Previously Reported

According to new information gathered by the CDC the number of lyme disease cases is 10 times higher than the 30,000 cases each year that has previously been reported.  Because not every case is reported, recent efforts have uncovered that the number of lyme disease cases is about 300,000 each year.  The CDC is conducting 3 complimentary studies to improve their count of lyme disease cases.

how to remove a tick

How to Properly Remove a Tick

To prevent tick bites:

  • Avoid thick areas of vegetation.
  • Wear long sleeves, long pants, and shoes that cover your feet when going outside.
  • Use insect repellant such as DEET.
  • Bathe as soon as possible when returning from being outside.  This allows you to find ticks easier.
  • Check yourself for ticks from head to toe, especially in your hair.  Make sure to check your children when they return from being outside.
  • Check any jackets, hats, bags, etc. that may have come into contact with ticks.
  • Dry clothes on high heat to kill any ticks on clothing and/or accessories.
  • Talk to your veterinarian on the best solutions to keep ticks away from your pets.
  • Check your pets when they come in from being outside.
  • Immediately remove ticks if found on a human or a pet. Find out How to Remove a Tick.
  • Keep grass cut and vegetation trimmed to reduce areas for ticks to call home.

For more information on Lyme disease visit the CDC.

For more information on how to control ticks visit Northwest Exterminating.



Keeping Mosquitoes Away!

Northwest Exterminating representative, Courtesy of AJC

Northwest Exterminating representative, Courtesy of AJC

Need tips on how to keep mosquitoes away?

  • Remove standing water from your yard.  These areas serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Keep screens on windows and doors to keep them out of your home.
  • Use an insect repellant.  DEET is highly recommended.  Be sure to read the label and reapply as necessary.
  • Cover up.  We know it’s hot but items like hats, long sleeve shirts, long pants, and shoes that cover your feet will help keep the mosquitoes from biting.
  • Wear light colors.  Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors so keep it light and bright to keep them away.
  • Stay still.  Movement produces a change in waves of light and acts as a signal to mosquitoes.  Carbon dioxide is also an attractant, so the more you move, the harder you breathe and the more you attract mosquitoes.
  • Plants.  Certain strong smelling plants help keep mosquitoes away.  Citronella, marigolds, and lemongrass are some of the plants you can use outdoors, while rosemary and basil are said to be helpful inside.
  • Home remedies.  There is no shortage of DIY remedies online.  Some of these can be useful for short term effectiveness.
  • Professional pest management.  A trained pest control technician can inspect your property to identify what is attracting the mosquito infestation.  The technician can then treat your property in an earth friendly and effective manner.  They can also provide you with a plan to keep mosquitoes away.

These are just a few tips on keeping mosquitoes away.  Mosquitoes are known carriers of diseases like West Nile virus, encephalitis, and heartworms in dogs.  Make sure that you are protecting yourself and your loved ones.  For more information, visit our blog or call Northwest Exterminating at 888.466.7849.

Why Do Mosquitoes Love Me So Much?


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