5 Tips For Holiday Pest Proofing

5 Tips For Holiday Pest Proofing

The holiday season in Georgia brings joy, warmth, and festive cheer. However, it also marks the arrival of unwanted guests – holiday pests that can disrupt your celebrations. As temperatures drop, pests seek refuge indoors, making pest-proofing your home a crucial step in ensuring a pest-free holiday season. In this guide, we’ll explore common winter and holiday pests, along with effective tips for holiday pest proofing and elimination.

Common Holiday Pests in Georgia

  1. Rodents: Mice and rats are notorious for seeking shelter in warm, cozy homes during colder months. They can squeeze through tiny openings and cause havoc in your pantry.
  2. Cockroaches: Cockroaches are resilient and can survive harsh conditions. They are attracted to warmth and food, making your home an ideal destination during the holidays.
  3. Spiders: While most spiders are harmless, some can pose a threat. They often enter homes in search of prey and shelter.
  4. Ants: Even in winter, ants can be a nuisance. They may venture inside seeking water, warmth, or food sources.

Pest Prevention for a Joyful Holiday Season

  1. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for any cracks, gaps, or openings. Use weather stripping and sealant to close gaps around windows, doors, and foundations. Pay special attention to areas where pipes and wires enter your home.
  2. Proper Food Storage: Keep food items in airtight containers to deter rodents and insects. Clean up crumbs and spills promptly, and store garbage in tightly sealed bins.
  3. Outdoor Maintenance: Trim trees and shrubs away from your home to eliminate pest highways. Regularly clean gutters and remove debris to prevent pest harborage.
  4. Inspection and Monitoring: Regularly inspect attics, basements, and crawl spaces for signs of pests. Set up traps and monitor them to catch any intruders early. Inspect decorations and other holiday items before bringing them indoors.
  5. Professional Pest Control: Consider hiring a professional pest control service for a thorough inspection and treatment. Professionals can identify potential problem areas and implement effective pest prevention strategies.

Eliminating Holiday Pests with Expert Pest Control

If you find yourself facing an infestation despite your best efforts, it’s crucial to act promptly. Our expert pest control services are tailored to address the unique challenges posed by holiday pests. We utilize advanced techniques and environmentally friendly treatments to ensure a safe and pest-free home.

Don’t let holiday pests dampen your festive spirit. Take proactive steps for holiday pest proofing and enjoy the season without unwanted visitors. Contact your local pest control company today for a free pest control quote, and let our experienced team safeguard your home for a joyful and pest-free holiday season.

Wishing you a happy and pest-free holiday season!

Holiday Pest Control Tips for Your Florida Home

Holiday Pest Control Tips for Your Florida Home

As the holiday season approaches, most of us are gearing up to host dinners and celebrations with friends and family. While preparing for your guests, the last thing you want to deal with is a pest infestation! Spiders, roaches, rodents, and more household pests are looking to your home for food, water, and shelter. Before you break out your holiday decorations, check out our pest prevention tips for holiday pest control!

Inspect Your Decorations

If your South Florida home has an attic, basement, or a garage, it’s likely you’re storing your holiday decorations in them. While these areas can be a great way to store items, they are also dark and secluded, making it the perfect place for pests to invade. Pests, like rats and mice, will crawl into your holiday storage boxes you put away last year, destroying and contaminating them!

Before you bring down your holiday decorations, make sure to inspect and unpack them outside of your home. After the holiday season is over, pack certain decorations, like potpourri, foliage, and Indian corn in airtight containers to help prevent a pest infestation next year.

Check Your Trees & Wreaths

If celebrating Christmas, many families tend to buy an authentic Christmas tree and wreath. Unfortunately, these items can carry pests like spiders, moths, mites, and even squirrels! To prevent these pests from hitchhiking their way into your home, inspect both items outside and shake them to ensure they aren’t hiding in them. Likewise, before buying the items, check to see if they contain any droppings, gnawing marks, and other damage before bringing them inside.

Keep Your Home Tidy

Pests love clutter and with extra guests in your home, trash and clutter can add up. It’s important to keep your home tidy and clean as much as possible. After each meal, clean up any crumbs and spills in your dining room and kitchen areas. Don’t forget to take the trash out every night and place it in a trash container with a tightly sealed lid. If you know you will have extra food supplies, look to store them in an air-tight container and place it in your pantry or refrigerator.

Call Your Local Pest Control Company

If you’ve noticed more pests than you’re comfortable with before your guests arrive, consider calling your local South Florida pest control company. These professionals will be able to inspect your home, identify the pest and entry points, and recommend the best pest control and prevention plan to avoid holiday pests in the future!

Why Are Spiders in My South Florida Home?

Why Are Spiders in My South Florida Home?

If you’ve noticed an increase of spiders inside your Florida home, it can be quite alarming for most homeowners! While most spiders are not dangerous to humans and are considered a benefit to our environment, it doesn’t mean you want them inside your house. With several species found in Florida, including daddy long legs, southern house spider, black widows, and more, it’s inevitable to come across one, but it’s easy to prevent, reduce, or eliminate their presence around your home. Check out the reasons why spiders are entering your home and easy spider prevention tips to avoid them in the future.

Why Do Spiders Enter Homes?

Spiders enter homes to search for food and find a habitat to continue looking for prey to feed on. Spiders eat insects, so if you’ve found webs around your home, it’s likely that those spiders found their food source. Inspect the inside and outside of your home for spider signs, these include spider webs, egg sacs, insects they feed on, or the spiders themselves.

How Can I Stop Spiders from Invading My Home?

There are several ways you can help reduce spider activity on your property. Spiders are looking for food, so it’s important to reduce the amount available to them by removing other household pests from your property. You can reduce the insects on your property by:

  • Keeping your outside garbage cans covered and sealed with a tight lid
  • Keep your exterior lights off at night or replace your white lights with yellow lights
  • Address any moisture problems throughout your home, including clogged gutters, leaky pipes, crawlspace issues.
  • Some insects like certain vegetation, such as weeds, look to reduce some around your home.

Not only is it important to reduce the insect population to avoid spiders, but it is equally important to deter them from even entering your home. Consider these spider prevention tips to avoid them from invading indoors:

  • Seal any holes or openings found in your windows, doors, and foundation.
  • Repair torn screens, broken windowpanes, and damaged seals.
  • Spiders can slip under doors, consider installing weatherstripping to close that gap.
  • Spiders like to hide in clutter, so remove unnecessary items in your yard such as old tires, rock piles, old lumber, and even old vehicles.
  • Keep a tidy home and remove old newspapers or magazines.

If you’ve noticed more spider activity than you’re used to, consider calling your local Florida pest control company for help. These professionals will provide you with a thorough inspection and recurring pest control plan to help avoid spiders and other household pests in the future.


Are Bed Bugs Inside My South Florida Home?

Are Bed Bugs Inside My South Florida Home?

Traveling for the holidays, staying at hotels, and visiting family are all opportunities for bed bugs to hitchhike through your luggage and make their way into your home! These invasive pests will go undetected for long periods, reproducing quickly, and causing a full-blown infestation. One of the best ways to avoid bed bugs inside your home is to prevent them in the first place.

Bed Bug Prevention Tips

Prevent Bed Bugs While Traveling

While packing for your trip, consider utilizing plastic bags to pack your clothes, shoes, and other personal items to help prevent bed bugs that climb into your suitcase. Before booking your hotel room, look up the bed bug registry. Once you get to your hotel room or Airbnb, inspect the room for signs of bed bugs, including small, dark spots, bloodstains, or bed bug skins. Try to avoid placing your luggage on the bed or floor, instead, place it on tile floors, in a closet, even in showers or tubs, and keep it away from the walls and any wooden furniture.

Prevent Bed Bugs at Home

Once you return home from a trip, unpack your items outside instead of inside your home. Look to unpack your clothes and personal items outside, and wash them immediately through a high-heat dryer cycle as bed bugs cannot withstand high temperatures. If you’ve recently purchased secondhand furniture, groceries, or have a delivery, make sure to always inspect them before bringing them inside.

Bed Bug Treatments

If you’ve seen bed bug signs or a live bed bug, it’s important to act fast to eliminate them from your home. There are several do-it-yourself bed bug methods that you can utilize but having a professional provide you with an inspection and a bed bug treatment plan is usually best. These licensed professionals will give your home in in-depth inspection and a customized bed bug control plan, either a chemical or heat treatment, based on your pest situation. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, contact your Florida pest control company for more information.

Orb Weaver Spiders: Facts, Prevention, and Control

Orb Weaver Spiders: Facts, Prevention, and Control

Georgia is home to a variety of fascinating arachnids, including the intricate orb weaver spiders. While these eight-legged creatures play a crucial role in controlling insect populations, encountering them in and around your home can be a cause for concern. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of orb weavers, exploring how to identify them, where they commonly reside, and essential tips for prevention and control.

Identifying Orb Weaver Spiders: Nature’s Web Artists

Orb weavers, members of the Araneidae family, are renowned for their distinctive circular webs, meticulously crafted to capture unsuspecting prey. Recognizing these spiders is key to effective pest control. Key features include:

  1. Web Structure: Orb weavers construct spiral-shaped webs with a hub at the center, creating a classic orb shape.
  2. Coloration: These spiders come in a range of colors, including brown, black, and vibrant yellows and greens. Some species may have intricate patterns on their abdomens.
  3. Size: Orb weavers can vary in size, with some species having small bodies, while others can reach sizes of up to an inch or more.

Common Habitats of Orb Weavers in Georgia

Orb weavers are adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, both natural and man-made. In Georgia, you may encounter them in:

  1. Gardens and Yards: These spiders often take residence in gardens, where their webs can capture flying insects like mosquitoes and flies.
  2. Wooded Areas: Orb weavers thrive in wooded environments, using trees and shrubs to anchor their webs.
  3. Around Buildings: Structures with outdoor lighting can attract insects, providing a perfect hunting ground for orb weavers.

Prevention and Control Strategies

While orb weavers are generally beneficial, their presence near your home may cause discomfort. Here are some practical tips for prevention and control:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Keep outdoor spaces tidy by removing debris, such as leaves and tall grass, which can attract insects and subsequently orb weavers.
  2. Seal Entry Points: Ensure windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent spiders from entering your home.
  3. Outdoor Lighting: Use yellow-toned outdoor lights, which are less attractive to insects and, by extension, orb weavers.
  4. Professional Pest Control: If orb weavers become a persistent issue, consider seeking the expertise of a professional pest control service. Trained technicians can assess the situation and implement targeted solutions.

If you find yourself caught in the web of orb weaver spiders, don’t hesitate to take action. Our experienced pest control team is here to help. Request a free pest control quote today to safeguard your home from unwanted arachnid visitors. Let us weave a plan to keep your space pest-free and comfortable.

Common DIY Ways to Prevent Rodents in South Florida

Common DIY Ways to Prevent Rodents in South Florida

Rodents, including rats, mice, and squirrels, look indoors for a place to nest and food. Once these wildlife creatures get inside your Florida home, they can wreak havoc, destroying insulation, chewing electrical wires, and contaminating food. Prevention is critical when it comes to protecting your home against rodents, especially as the weather cools down and they begin looking indoors for shelter. Check out our rodent prevention tips below.

Florida Rodent Prevention Tips

Start Rodent Prevention Outside

Rodent Prevention Outside
Your yard is the first defense against rodents, making it essential to place outdoor preventative measures to deter them away. Consider these DIY tips:

  • Remove potential nesting sites such as leaf piles and deep mulch
  • Fix gaps in trailer skirting and use flashing around the base of your home
  • Keep outdoor cooking areas and grills clean
  • Remove any old tires, vehicles, etc. From your property
  • Elevate woodpiles, hay, and garbage cans at least 1 foot off the ground
  • Keep your garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids
  • Seal holes or gaps outside of your home with steel wool or metal sheeting

Keep Tidy Indoors

Keep Tidy Indoors
Your home can provide the perfect place for rodents to inhabit, so removing those attractants from inside your home will help keep these creatures out. You can do this by:

  • Clean up leftover food crumbs and spills after each meal
  • Store food in plastic or metal containers that have tight-fitting lids
  • After cooking, wipe down your stovetop and countertops
  • Wash your dirty dishes and put them away after each meal
  • Keep your home decluttered by removing old newspapers or magazines and storing items in plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes
  • Regularly vacuum, sweep, and dust throughout your home
  • Remove excess water from inside by fixing any leaky pipes and keeping your attics and crawlspaces dry

Consider Professional Help

If you suspect rodents are inside your home, it’s important to reach out to your professional pest control company. These professionals will be able to inspect and identify the rodent that’s invaded your property. They will also be able to safely remove these creatures, identify areas of entry, and provide a rodent control and prevention plan for your home to avoid further infestations.

What Attracts Centipedes?

What Attracts Centipedes?

Centipedes, with their numerous legs and speedy movements, are not exactly a welcome sight in any home. As common household pests, centipedes can be a nuisance, but understanding what attracts centipedes to your home is the first step towards effective pest control. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the basics of centipedes, how they find their way indoors, signs of infestation, and crucial tips for prevention and elimination.

Basic Information about Centipedes:

Centipedes are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda. Despite their name, centipedes do not have a hundred legs; the number varies depending on the species but typically ranges from 15 to 177 pairs. Known for their long, segmented bodies and swift movements, centipedes are carnivorous, preying on insects and spiders.

How Centipedes Invade Homes:

Centipedes are attracted to homes for several reasons. Understanding these factors can help you take proactive steps to keep them at bay.

  1. Moisture: Centipedes thrive in damp environments. Excess moisture in basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms creates an ideal habitat for them.
  2. Food Source: Centipedes feed on other insects, so if your home has an existing insect problem, it might attract centipedes seeking a meal.
  3. Cracks and Crevices: Centipedes can easily find their way indoors through small cracks and openings in the foundation, walls, or around windows and doors.

Signs of Centipede Infestation:

Identifying a centipede infestation early is crucial for effective pest control. Look out for the following signs:

  1. Sightings: If you frequently spot centipedes in and around your home, it’s a clear indication of an infestation.
  2. Shed Exoskeletons: Centipedes shed their exoskeletons as they grow. Finding these shed skins in hidden corners or areas with moisture suggests an active centipede presence.
  3. Increased Insect Activity: Centipedes are predators, so an increase in other insect activity could attract them.

Tips for Prevention and Elimination:

  1. Reduce Moisture: Addressing moisture issues is key. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas, fix leaky pipes, and ensure proper ventilation.
  2. Seal Entry Points: Seal cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation, walls, and around doors and windows to prevent centipedes from entering.
  3. Remove Hiding Places: Declutter basements, attics, and storage areas to eliminate potential hiding spots for centipedes.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning helps eliminate the insects that centipedes feed on, reducing their attraction to your home.
  5. Professional Pest Control: If a centipede infestation persists, it’s wise to consult a professional pest control service. They have the expertise to assess the situation and provide effective solutions.

Don’t let centipedes take over your home. Take proactive steps and ensure a pest-free living environment. Our expert pest control team in Georgia is ready to assist you. Request a free pest control quote today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a centipede-free home.

Remember, early detection and preventive measures are crucial in keeping centipedes and other household pests at bay. With the right approach, you can enjoy a comfortable and pest-free living space in Georgia.


Why Are Rodents Invading My Punta Gorda Home?

Why Are Rodents Invading My Punta Gorda Home?

Punta Gorda Rodents

Rodents are a common pest Floridians will deal with. Rodents, like rats and mice, invade homes in search of water, shelter, and food to survive. Once rodents have infested your Punta Gorda home, it can be difficult to remove them as they will often reproduce quickly! It’s important for Punta Gorda homeowners to understand what attracts rodents to their homes and how to prevent them from infesting.

What Attracts Rodents

  • Food: The most common reasons rodents will invade your property is if they find food. Both rats and mice will eat anything you leave laying around inside and outside of your home, including pet food.
  • Warmth: Rodents like a warm, comfortable place to inhabit, which is why they often look to our homes to find it. Common places these creatures will inhabit include attics, sheds, basements, and other structures that are dry and warm enough to make a nest.
  • Water: Like any pest, rodents need water to survive. Mice and rats are in constant search for water, which our homes have plenty of supply of. These rodents will take advantage of leaky pipes, bowls of water for our pets, leaking sprinklers, fountains, and birdbaths.

How to Prevent Rodents

Dealing with rodents in your home is less than ideal. Luckily, there are do-it-yourself preventative measures you can place throughout your home to keep these pests from invading. Consider the following rodent control tips:

  • Empty your garbage regularly, utilizing a tight lid or lock
  • Utilize screens on vents, chimneys, windows, and doors
  • Keep your home free of clutter from paper, fabric, and other materials used for nesting
  • Seal any entry points leading inside your home with metal mesh
  • Rinse food and drink containers before throwing them away
  • Avoid leaving pet food and water out overnight
  • After each meal, wipe down your countertops and clean up any spills or crumbs
  • Repair any leaky pipes found in your home
  • Keep firewood elevated and stored at least 20 feet away from your home.

In summary, what attracts rodents to your Punta Gorda home is food, water, and shelter. If you suspect a rodent infestation, contact your local pest control company for help. These professionals will thoroughly inspect your home and safely remove any rodents that are found on your property.

Request a Free Punta Gorda Pest Inspection

Common Pantry Pests in Your Tennessee Home

Common Pantry Pests in Your Tennessee Home

With the holidays nearing, now is the perfect time to ensure you don’t have pantry pests in your Tennessee home. Pantry pests are insects that like to invade your stored food products, often laying their eggs to reproduce and causing a full blow infestation. Let’s go over common pantry pests you can find in your home and how you can further prevent them.

Common Pantry Pests in Tennessee

Indian Meal Moth

The Indian meal moth is known for feeding on several types of food found in our pantry, including dried fruits and vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, candies, and pet food. You can identify these pests by their two-toned wing pattern with a tan to copper oval-shaped body. These pests are highly attracted to light and anywhere they can find food.

Merchant Grain Beetles

This pantry pest has a dark brown body, six legs, and six saw-like teeth on each side of their bodies. Their narrow oval body shape allows them to crawl inside of packaging to eat, live, and reproduce. They prefer to feed on cereals, cake mixes, macaroni, and cookies, even though their names suggest they like grain!

How to Prevent Pantry Pests:

  • Invest in proper storage. Utilize food storage containers with airtight locking. The best types of foods to keep in these containers are cereals, pasta, cookies, grains, and seeds.
  • Inspect your groceries. The most common way of getting pantry pests is from the store. Inspect the packaging of the items you buy and make sure there are no tears or openings.
  • Keep a clean home. On a regular basis, clean out your old pantry items after their expiration date and clean up any leftover crumbs or spills after each meal.

If you suspect pantry pests have invaded your pantry, give your local Tennessee pest control company a call for a customized pest control plan and a free inspection!

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