Ants, Ants, and More Ants

Ants are one of the pests that can be an issue year around.  Although controlling ants can be difficult…it is possible.

Size is a big advantage to the small ants.  Because they are so small, they can enter a structure through even the tiniest of entryways.  When ants enter your home, they are looking for food and water.  Sweets and greasy foods are amongst some of their favorite foods.  To lead other ants to food, they leave behind a pheromone that allows the other ants to follow to the source of food.

Ants are social insects, meaning they live in large colonies.  You can find 300,000-500,000 ants in a single colony.   Ants can uproot and move their whole colony rather quickly.  Worker ants can live up to 7 years while queens can live up to 15 years.

Although size and quantity are on the side of ants, there are ways to keep ants out of your home:

  • Eliminate standing water.  This will help keep away ants, as well as other pests such as mosquitoes and termites.
  • Keep foliage away from the structure.  Ants and other pests can use branches, leaves, etc as a way to enter your home.
  • Seal your home.  Cracks and crevices around your home are used as entrances to your home by pests.
  • DIY methods.  Although some DIY methods can be helpful in getting rid of ants, you are not getting to the real source of the problem.  A professional pest control company can inspect your home and help you come up with a customized plan to get rid of and control future ants from coming in your home.

Call Northwest Exterminating at 888.466.7849 if you are having ant problems in your home or business. Visit us online to find out more information about ants and how to control them.

What to Expect During a Pest Control Inspection

We recently discussed the importance of having an inspection prior to receiving a pest control treatment (HERE).  We thought we would continue with the discussion by letting you know what you should expect during a pest control inspection from an exterminator.

What to expect during a pest control inspection:

  • A highly trained pest management professional should be neatly and professionally dressed.trained pest control professional
  • The exterminator should arrive in a well marked vehicle that clearly states what pest management company they are representing.
  • A thorough pest control inspection should include both inside and outside inspection of the structure.  This will target common “hot spots”, or entry points, for insects, rodents, and other pests.  Common entry points are bathrooms, kitchens, garages, attics, and crawlspaces.
  • Along with checking for entry points, the pest control representative will check for conducive conditions that would attract pests.
  • An exterminators best friend is their flash light.  The flashlight helps them to locate and see insects and harborage areas around the structure.  Other common tools that may be used: telescope mirror, moisture meter, and a probing tool.
  • Following the inspection, the inspector will review their findings and create a customizable treatment plan that is best suited for the needs of the structure.  The customized treatment plan will include how to exclude points of entry, eliminate conducive conditions, and a personalized pest control management plan for ongoing protection.pest control van in front of a house

Getting rid of bugs is important to you and Northwest Exterminating.  We want you to know what you should expect out of our highly trained technicians when they inspect your home or business.  For more information about pest control visit us online at

Northwest Exterminating offers FREE inspections.  Call 888.466.7849 or visit our website for your FREE, no obligation inspection.


Why Do I Need an Inspection for Pest Control?

Why do I need an inspection before you treat my home for pests?

The short answer is because every situation is different.  A professional exterminating company will thoroughly inspect both the interior and exterior of a structure to determine the identity of a pest(s), the entry point(s), the severity of the issue, and a customized treatment plan that is suited for your home or business.  The customized plan will include the type of treatment to be done by a professional exterminator as well as recommendations for the home or business owner that will prevent the insects from returning.   By having a thorough inspection of your home, you can be assured that Northwest Exterminating isn’t just spraying your home without knowing the real reason why and will, in turn, reduce the chance of us having to return before your next scheduled visit.

While one treatment may eliminate current pest issues, we recommend ongoing service to prevent future pest problems. NorPest Green quarterly visits, once every three months, will ensure your home and family are protected from pests year round.




How Much Is Monthly Pest Control?

How much do you charge for monthly pest control? Drawing of an Acrobat Ant on a white background

This is a question that comes in frequently so we wanted to address it.  The cost of NorPest Green pest control is varied depending on the specific needs and issues of you and your home. If you aren’t having specific pest issues and want to keep it that way, the cost of preventative treatments can be given over the phone by one of our customer service representatives.  Whether you are having a specific bug issue or looking for preventative measures, a highly trained Northwest Exterminating professional will conduct a FREE inspection of your home.  By completing an inspection we are able to conduct a customized program that will meet the pest needs for you and your home.

NorPest Green is a program that was developed by Northwest Exterminating to get rid of bugs and insects while maintaining the lowest environmental impact as possible.  The active ingredients are derived from flowers, plants, and natural elements that are friendly to the Earth and your family…pets included.  We use a 5 step Integrated Pest Management (IPM) process.

Complete our FREE Inspection Form or call us at 888.466.7849 for a free, no obligation inspection of your home.



"Holy Mole-y!" There's a mole in the pool!

mole peeking out of the grassThere’s nothing like jumping in the pool on a hot summer day (well, a day that feels like summer anyways)!  So that is exactly what my family and I did on Saturday.  We went to my in-laws’ house and jumped right in the pool.  We had just begun to cool off and enjoy the water when we noticed we weren’t alone.  There was a mole in the pool!!!
The mole was quickly removed without incident and the fun continued but of course my mother-in-law had lots of questions about what it was doing in her yard, how did it get there, what is was looking for, and how does she get rid of them.  So mother in law…this is for you!
Moles are mammals that live underground and occasionally come to the surface.  Above ground, they breathe in oxygen and are able to re-use it to survive in low-oxygen environments such as underground burrows.  When they surface, they cause damage.  Mole damage is divided into two types: burrows and mounds.  Burrows occur when moles search for food near the surface, causing soil to be raised in ridges. Mounds are created when moles burrow deep or tunnel under solid objects such as tree roots or sidewalks and push the soil to the surface.

map of mole's runway system

Mole's runway system

Moles’ bodies and front claws are ideal for digging.  Their hands are quite large for their bodies and include an extra thumb and multiple joints in other fingers.  There are situations where mole damage is mostly visual, but in other situations they can destroy root systems in your yard, eventually killing the grass.
Damage caused by moles:

  • Interference of mowing and planting
  • Create weed invasion
  • Damage plants
  • Damage drainage systems and watercourses

The best way to get rid of a mole is by trapping or baiting the runs.  The trick to mole extermination is to find the feeding tunnels vs. the travel tunnels.  A professional animal removal service provider can distinguish between the two and can humanely remove the moles from your yard.  Call Northwest Exterminating for mole removal.
What is the craziest thing you ever jumped in next to?

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