How Do They Do It: Squirrels Flying, Snakes Swimming, Bugs Walking on Water

All creatures are capable of fantastic feats, some of which we are accustomed to. Birds fly, fish swim and bees buzz along as they collect nectar. We’re so used to certain animals doing certain things that we marvel when they do something unexpected. After all, wouldn’t it shock you if animals could talk like humans? That is, until you have a conversation with a parrot. Below we feature some creatures you know well and finally get an explanation for how the neat tricks they do!

Squirrels Flying

Northern flying squirrel

Southern flying squirrel

Southern flying squirrel










Flying squirrels aren’t as a familiar as their red or gray sisters because when you’re likely to be sleep when they tend to be out. In North America there are two species of flying squirrel – the northern flying squirrel and the southern flying squirrel.  Contrary to what their name suggests, flying squirrels don’t fly because they don’t have wings. They do however, have web-like folds of skin known as patagium which when get taught when they stretch their bodies out and help them glide from high altitudes.


Snakes Swimming

Snake swimming

Snake swimming

Though some snakes are known specifically for being in the water, all snakes can swim. This may boggle the mind because these creatures have no arms or fins! However, they glide gracefully through the water by moving their body laterally, as if twisting into an ‘S’ shape. These movements start at the head and continue through its body, allowing them to exert a force backwards against the water, effectively moving their bodies forward. Those we typically refer to as water snakes have flatter bodies which make it more efficient for them to swim.


Bugs Walking on Water

Scientists used to believe that bugs secreted a wax on their legs that helped them take advantage of the surface tension of water. Now they believe that insect’s legs have microscopic hairs that trap air bubbles to allow them to float.

Bug walking on water

Bug walking on water



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