We’ve gotten a lot of questions and phone calls regarding the ladybug larva.  So here’s a quick run down for those of you that are experiencing ladybug larva around your property.


Ladybug Life Cycle

The female ladybug will lay her eggs on the undersides of leaves where there is a lot of food (aphids).  The eggs will hatch three to five days later.

When you think about what a baby ladybug might look like, you probably think of a small cute version of the adult, right?  Well, lets just say that a baby ladybug (larva) lives up to the saying “A face only a mother could love”.  Baby ladybugs (ladybug larvae) are long and black with orange markings on its back, a little spikey looking and some say that they resemble alligators, but a whole lot smaller of course!  I don’t see that but you can let your imagination go…

ladybug larva

Baby ladybug

For more information on ladybugs or ladybug larva, call the experts at www.callnorthwest.com.

Adam Vannest
Director of Pest Services
Northwest Exterminating

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