Fill out the form below or call (888) 466-7849 for a free, no-obligation estimate.
¼-1 inch long
Large and clumsy looking
Yellow and black striped, extremely fuzzy
Females may sting if provoked
Hind most set of legs flattened to help carry pollen
Nest underground
Nests common in old mouse burrows or dense clumps of grass
Nests may not be visible or obvious
May sting or enact other forms of defense if threatened. Stings may cause an allergic reaction
Treatment is only done if the bees pose a threat, for example someone with extreme allergic reactions to stings
It is possible to make the habitat less hospitable to the bees by keeping lawns trimmed, limiting the number of flowering plants present, and discouraging mouse populations
Bees are protected as pollinators, so treatment is only enacted when the bees are deemed a nuisance, and removal is always the first choice over other treatment options
M-F 7:30AM – 5:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 1PM