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Opossums have a long snout, full jaw
Females have a pouch for carrying young
Generally nocturnal, opossums actively hunting for food at night
Eat both plants and animals diet consists of fruit, berries, insects, crayfish, small rodents, dead animal flesh, and human garbage
Breed from January to mid-summer, generally producing 2 litters a year
Litters consist of 3 to 25 babies and are born about 2 weeks after mating
At birth, the young crawl into the mother’s pouch they don’t leave her pouch until they are 70 to 80 days old
Adaptable animals they can successfully survive in residential and suburban areas
Opossums will hiss or growl and show their 50 sharp teeth when frightened
Usually gentle and placid prefer to avoid all confrontations and wish to be left alone
Can cause damage and contamination if they enter your home (usually in attic)
As a defense mechanism, opossums will play possum by appearing and smelling like that of a dying or dead animal
We have service centers throughout Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina.
M-F 7:30AM – 5:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 1PM