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Whether it’s stinging pests invading your porch, rats inside your crawlspace, or mosquitoes taking over your yard, dealing with an infestation of household pests can be a major headache. With hot, humid weather present in the Bonita Springs area during most of the year, it seems as though pests never go away. Unfortunately, as humans, we can sometimes bring a pest infestation upon ourselves. Check out the top 5 reasons you’re attracting pests into your Bonita Springs home.
Pests such as roaches, rats, and ants are all looking for a food source. Our leftover trash is their dinnertime and, if access is gained, they can create an unwanted mess. If your outside trash can is not secured, these pests can easily get inside and keep coming back for more. Ensure that your trashcan lid is tightly sealed and trash bags are without rips or tears. Don’t forget your inside trash too, making sure that all trash cans have lids to avoid exposed food scraps.
Stagnant or standing water attracts a dreaded pest we’re all trying to avoid: mosquitoes. Female mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to breed, which can often be found throughout your yard without your knowledge. Toy buckets, pet bowls, tarps, old tires, and more are all items that can hold water and make a perfect breeding site for mosquitoes. To avoid this, remove these items from your yard, especially after a rainstorm. Additionally, look for any ditches or uneven spots in your yard that can pool and consider leveling them or filling the areas in.
Clutter makes a great home and hiding place for pests and rodents. Decluttering and cleaning items out to eliminate these hiding places will help prevent pests in the long run. Remove old newspapers, utilize plastic containers instead of cardboard, and make sure that clothes aren’t piled on the floor.
If you leave dirty dishes in the sink, even for one night, it can attract pests like flies, ants, and cockroaches into your home. After each meal, wash and put your dishes away to help combat these pests. Likewise, it’s best to clean up any leftover crumbs or spilled liquids, especially if they contain sugar, as soon as possible. Don’t forget behind and under your kitchen appliances too. Pests like to hide behind stoves and refrigerators, waiting for their chance to consume an available food source.
Most pests need water for survival and prefer a damp environment. Sometimes factors throughout our homes can give them a water source, leading to an infestation. Certain termites eat damp wood, causing significant structural damage and costly repairs. A leaky faucet can attract pests like mice, who are known to return to areas if they’ve found a food or water source. Check throughout your home for any leaky pipes, faucets, or even AC units and repair them as soon as possible. Also dry areas in your basement, utilizing a dehumidifier if needed. If you have a crawlspace, consider crawlspace enclosure to ensure no moisture is found.
If you notice an influx of pests throughout your home or want to stay on top of your pest prevention, consider contacting your local Bonita Springs pest control company to provide you with a comprehensive treatment and prevention plan.