Raccoon Removal

Raccoons may look cute and cuddly but make no mistake about it…raccoons are one houseguest that you do not want.  Raccoons are a common nuisance in the southeast.  They can make a home in the attic of a structure and cause several thousands of dollars in damage.  Many times raccoons will make a home in an attic to have their babies, called kits.  They typically have 3-8 young in the late fall.  They can be a nuisance by getting into trashcans found outside of homes or business looking for food.

Along with the damage they can do to your home, they can also be a health concern:

  • Carry rabies in their saliva which can be transported by their bites.
  • Carry parasites on their fur that can impact both humans and animals.
  • Can transfer roundworms and fleas that they carry on their fur.

Wildlife ControlCommon traits of raccoons:

  • Female raccoons do not tend to be pack animals, however, males often form social groups to maintain their position against other males or predators.
  • Raccoons become aggressive when protecting their young.
  • Nocturnal.
  • Adaptable creatures.  Raccoons can easily adapt to their environments.

The feeding of raccoons by people has helped grow their population in urban areas.  Some wildlife experts and public authorities warn against feeding wild animals such as raccoons to discourage them from becoming dependent on humans as a food source.

If you think you have a raccoon in your house call a professional animal control or professional animal removal company immediately to reduce health risks and damage to property.

Tip: Loud noises, flashing lights, and foul odors are said to drive away raccoons before they would typically leave the nest on their own.

Dr. Goo's Corner: Wildlife and Rabies

Wildlife ControlWith cooler weather moving in it is the time of year where wildlife such as squirrels, rodents, raccoons, etc, begin to take refuge in your home.  Animal control is important for the health of your home.  Rodents make for unsanitary conditions by urinating, leaving droppings, chewing on wires, insulation, and other items in the attic, and can often carry disease.  Some rodents can be dangerous and will attack if they feel that they or their young are in danger.

A common concern for wildlife is the threat of rabies.  Rabies is a serious illness so we went to our health expert, Dr. Goo.  Below, Dr. Goo talks about the risk rabies:

Rabies is a viral illness that can cause death and serious illness if untreated. If treated quickly and appropriately almost everyone can be cured of rabies.

The most important way to avoid rabies is to not be bitten or exposed to animals that potentially may have the rabies virus.

The most common animal exposures to rabies are from wild animals. Bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes are the primary animals that carry rabies in the United States.

Pets can be protected from rabies by getting their rabies shots annually.  Domestic animals rarely transmit rabies.

If you think you may have been exposed or bitten by an animal that has rabies you should call the Georgia Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222.  You should also notify your doctor.

Remember, prevention and avoidance are the best defense against rabies.

Northwest Exterminating offers Wildlife Control for you and your family. The Wildlife Services Team specializes in the exclusion, removal, and control of wildlife nuisances like bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes – the most common causes of rabies exposure.

For more detailed information about rabies exposure, treatment, prevention, and protection, please visit the Center for Disease Control and the Georgia Poison Center.

Dr. Goo

Bugs and Your Health

MosquitoesThe early spring has brought pests out in full force and we suspect that they will not be slowing down anytime soon.  Not only are bugs annoying but they’re a health concern as well.

  • West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, dog heartworm – mosquitoes
  • Lyme disease – ticks
  • Rabies – rodents
  • Allergies & Asthma – cockroaches
  • Food Contamination – cockroaches, mice/rats
  • Salmonella – cockroaches, house flies
  • Skin irritation and rashes – lice, fleas, bed bugs, mites
  • Venomous bites & stings (that can be accompanied by severe or life threatening reactions) – black widow, brown recluse, scorpion, snakes
  • Painful stings (that can be accompanied by severe or life threatening reactions) – fire ants, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps

Pests can carry diseases and cause areas to be unsanitary.  These are issues of concern for both homes and businesses.  Even the cleanest homes can have bug problems in an environment like this.  Carpenter bees, mosquitoes, ants, yellow jackets, silverfish, and other pests have recently been invading properties.  If you’re in the Atlanta, Columbus, Savannah, or Nashville area, call Northwest Exterminating.  Our NorPest Green program was developed exclusively by Northwest Exterminating to get rid of pests using the lowest environmental impact possible.  A Northwest representative will develop a customized plan to target those pests while maintaining the health of your home.

We are strategically placed throughout Georgia and Tennessee to service all areas of Georgia as well as parts of Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina.  Visit us online or call 888.466.7849 to find the location nearest you.


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