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Termites are one of the most feared and difficult pests to get rid of. Every homeowner is weary of having termites as they can destroy your home from the ground up; but as the colder weather continues, many wonder if termites are even active right now?
Unfortunately for many homeowners, termites are out right now, with some termite species active year-round! This means that even on the coldest day termites are active. Fortunately, during colder weather termites do tend to go deeper into the ground to find warmth. If they’ve already infested your home, however, they will continue their activity. Termites will search for food throughout your house with the potential of significant damage, costing thousands of dollars in repairs. It’s extremely important to understand and recognize the signs of termites to catch them early.
One sign of termite activity is crumbling wood. Crumbling wood is a major indicator that these pests are infesting your property. Termites will eat wood from the inside out, so if the wood in your house sounds hollow when tapped on, you could have termites. Likewise, seeing uneven or bubbling paint is a sign of moisture build-up. This means the potential for two scenarios: water damage, which can attract termites; or existing termites inside your home. An obvious sign that termites are roaming is the presence of discarded wings inside your house. You can often find these near windowsills and doors.
Termite-proofing your house or property now can help prevent termites in the future. Take precautions with these tips:
If you suspect you have termites or are just ready to get prepared this year, reach out to your local pest control company who can set you up with a prevention and termite treatment plan.
Are termites active in fall and winter? The answer is a resounding yes! All species of termites are active year-round, even in the cold weather of fall and winter. The only difference in termite activity when the weather cools off is a change in their routine – termites will nest deeper in the ground to access warmth and modify their tunnels for easier access to winter food sources. If termites have already colonized your home or office their routine won’t change at all. Heated buildings and their adjacent soil provide the ideal habitat for termites to thrive even in cold weather. Colony queens also lay their eggs year-round which means that not only are termites active during every season, their colonies are also consistently growing. Swarming termites are unlikely to be seen in the fall and winter months as termite swarming season typically begins in the spring.
Regardless of the season, there are some common signs of termite infestations to look for in your home or office including:
There are a few steps for termite protection you can take in and around your home. Make sure all water and gas lines are sealed adequately. Fix any leaky faucets or appliances and get rid of any standing water. Try to eliminate any cellulose material as this is a termite’s primary food source.
If you suspect you have a problem with termites or want to make sure you stay ahead of any potential problems, contact a professional termite control company who can provide you with a free termite inspection and set you up with the most comprehensive termite protection for your situation.
Where Do Snakes Go in Cold Weather?
Mosquitoes Active Through Fall
Carpenter Bee Damage Source: NPMA
There’s been a lot of buzz (pun intended) on our blog about carpenter bees and termites. It’s termite season so we always want to keep our readers aware of the potential risks and damage that termites can cause. And carpenter bees are our Pest of the Month for the month of April. Both of these wood-boring pests should be taken seriously due to the great amount of damage that they can cause.
Carpenter bees eat through soft woods where they make their nests and lay their eggs inside the tunnels. This can cause damage to decks, eaves, porches, or even support beams in your home. Luckily, they are rarely a threat to humans. Males don’t have stingers but do tend to be aggressive toward other bees, animals, or humans that are near their nests. The female carpenter bee has a stinger but rarely uses it.
Termite Damage Source: NPMA
Termites (March’s Pest of the Month) are working 24/7 to find food…and unfortunately for us, their food is typically the wood that was used to build our homes. Without termite protection, your home could be at risk for severe damage. Termites are responsible for more than $2 of damage to homes in the US each year. Like carpenter bees, termites often leave a trail of wood that can serve as a tell-tale sign that they are there.
Whether you have carpenter bees or termites, you should contact a licensed pest professional. Not only will they be able to correctly identify the insect but they will be able to develop a customized plan that is specific to your home and your situation. By doing this, you are ensuring that the problem is diagnosed correctly, that the correct product, if any, is being used correctly and safely, and that proper steps are taken to ensure that the issue does not reoccur. Northwest Exterminating and our highly trained pest professionals will be glad to come to your home and do a free inspection of your home. Just give us a call at 888.466.7849 or visit us at
Spring weather is the start of what we refer to as the beginning of “termite season“. Termite season is when termite swarmers begin to emerge from their colonies in search of a new colony and a mate. They look for the perfect place: moisture – CHECK…cellulose food source – CHECK…soil – CHECK! Seeing swarmers is the first sign that you could have a termite infestation in your home.
A common question is how to tell the difference between a termite and a flying ant. They may look similar but there are 3 distinct ways to tell the two pests apart:
If you spot swarmers or other signs of termites, call your pest management company. Northwest Exterminating provides a FREE, thorough inspection of your home.